Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the FAQ page of the Inamdar Heart clinic! If you have any doubts or concerns, our FAQ page is a great place to start.

Is a Heart surgery safe?

Heart surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries some degree of risk. However, with modern techniques and technologies, heart surgery has become safer than ever before. The overall safety of heart surgery depends on several factors, including the type and complexity of the surgery, the patient’s overall health, and the expertise of the surgical team.

The surgical team, which typically includes a cardiac surgeon, an anesthesiologist, and a specialized team of nurses and technicians, is highly trained and experienced in performing heart surgeries. They use advanced equipment and techniques to ensure the highest level of safety and accuracy during the procedure.

What are the different types of Heart Surgery?

There are several different types of heart surgeries, each of which is performed to treat a specific heart condition. The following are some of the most common types of heart surgery:

1. Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).

2. Heart valve surgery.

3. Aortic surgery.

4. Arrhythmia surgery.

5. Congenital heart defect surgery.

These are just a few examples of the types of heart surgeries that may be performed. The specific type of surgery recommended will depend on the individual patient’s condition and the extent of the damage to the heart.

What is a Cardiac stress test?

A cardiac stress test, also known as an exercise stress test or treadmill test, is a medical test that evaluates the performance of the heart during physical activity. The test is usually performed to diagnose or evaluate coronary artery disease, which is a condition in which the arteries that supply blood to the heart become narrow or blocked.

How does stress affect your Heart?

Stress can have a significant impact on the heart and can increase the risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. When a person experiences stress, their body responds by releasing stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can cause the heart to beat faster and harder.

Can an echo detect a Heart blockage?

An echocardiogram (echo) is a type of ultrasound test that uses sound waves to create images of the heart. While an echo can provide information about the structure and function of the heart, it is not a reliable test for detecting blockages in the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle. To diagnose blockages in the coronary arteries, other tests such as a coronary angiogram, CT angiogram, or stress test may be needed. These tests can provide detailed images of the heart and its blood vessels and can help identify blockages and other abnormalities that may be affecting the heart.

Why are diagnostic centres important for your treatment?

Diagnostic centers are essential for your treatment because they provide a wide range of diagnostic tests and procedures that are necessary to identify and diagnose medical conditions accurately. These tests are important for determining the appropriate treatment plan, monitoring the progress of treatment, and ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.

What are the contact details or email address to reach the Inamdar Heart Clinic?

please feel free to contact us at care@theinamdarheartclinic.com or call us at +91 9822039863 and we’ll be happy to assist you.

What is preventive cardiology?

Preventive cardiology is a branch of medicine that focuses on reducing the risk of heart disease and promoting cardiovascular health through lifestyle modifications and medical interventions. The goal of preventive cardiology is to prevent the development of cardiovascular disease or to slow down its progression in individuals who are at high risk of developing heart disease.

Why the Inamdar Heart Clinic is a best choice for heart patients ?

The Inamdar Heart Clinic is one of the best cardiac hospitals in Pune that caters to patients suffering from various heart issues. Its advanced medical technology and infrastructure provides its patients with the most accurate diagnosis followed by a passionate treatment by all its doctors. We work around the clock to make sure that no stone is left unturned in providing the best treatment to the patients.

At The Inamdar Heart Clinic, we deal with heart care and preventive cardiology. Our expert cardiologist, Dr. Avinash Inamdar has over 35 years of experience and has performed over 10000 surgeries till date.

Can panic attacks cause heart attacks?

While panic attacks can cause intense physical symptoms that may be mistaken for a heart attack, they do not cause heart attacks. Panic attacks are a type of anxiety disorder that can cause sudden and overwhelming feelings of fear, panic, and discomfort. During a panic attack, a person may experience symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, sweating, and dizziness, which can be similar to the symptoms of a heart attack.

Where is the Inamdar Heart Clinic located ?

The Inamdar Heart clinic is located in Aundh, Pune-411007, Maharashtra, India.

What about Super Speciality Cardiac Diagnostic Centre in the Inamdar Heart Clinic?

The Super Speciality Cardiac Diagnostics Center at The Inamdar Heart Clinic is managed by Dr. Sanjivani Inamdar. You don’t need to travel anywhere after consulting with a cardiologist because our advanced Echo and TMT lab is personally run by Dr. Sanjivani Inamdar, who has extensive experience performing Transoesophageal, Transthoracic, and Carotid Vascular Echocardiography on both adult and paediatric patients. We have an advantage over other clinics because to our on-site diagnostics centre, which allows us to diagnose patients accurately while also saving patients’ time and money.

What are the long term effects after a heart attack?

The long-term effects after a heart attack may vary depending on the extent of damage to the heart muscle and the severity of the heart attack. Some common long-term effects after a heart attack may include- reduced heart function, scar tissues, Cardiac arrhythmias, Heart failure, Emotional effects.

Can an angiogram clear blockage?

No, an angiogram is a diagnostic test used to visualize the arteries in the heart to identify blockages or narrowing. It is not a treatment for blockages in the arteries. However, during an angiogram procedure, a doctor may perform angioplasty, which involves using a balloon to widen the blocked or narrowed artery, followed by stenting, where a small metal mesh tube is inserted into the artery to keep it open. This is a minimally invasive procedure that can help restore blood flow to the heart and reduce symptoms of coronary artery disease.

What do you need to know about a heart specialist doctor?

A heart specialist doctor, also known as a cardiologist, is a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of heart and cardiovascular diseases.

Can we directly book an appointment with The Inamdar Heart Clinic?

Yes, To book your appointment, kindly call us on following numbers –
+91 9822039863

(For appointments 10 am to 6 pm and 24 hours for emergencies).

Can someone have a heart attack even if they are healthy?

Yes, it is possible for a person who is otherwise healthy to have a heart attack. Although certain risk factors, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, smoking, and obesity, can increase a person’s chances of having a heart attack, there are cases where people with no apparent risk factors have had heart attacks. Sometimes heart attacks occur due to genetic factors or structural abnormalities in the heart. In other cases, heart attacks may be triggered by acute stress or physical exertion.

Is it possible to have a heart disease without any symptoms?

Yes, it is possible to have heart disease without any symptoms. In fact, many people with heart disease may not experience any noticeable symptoms until the disease has progressed to an advanced stage.

What kind of chest pain is a warning sign for a heart attack?

Chest pain is a common symptom of a heart attack, but not all chest pain is indicative of a heart attack. Here are some warning signs of chest pain that could indicate a heart attack-

1. Pressure, tightness, or squeezing sensation in the chest that lasts for several minutes.

2. Pain or discomfort that spreads to the arms, neck, jaw, or back.

3. Shortness of breath, sweating.

What is the opening and closing time for the Inamdar heart clinic?

Clinic Timing

Monday – Saturday (02:00 PM to 06:00 PM)

Wednesday & Sunday (Closed)

(For appointments 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM and 24 hours for emergencies).

What are the best ways to prevent heart disease through diet?

Maintaining a healthy diet is one of the most effective ways to prevent heart disease. With the help of dietary strategies you can reduce the risk of heart disease- Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, Choose whole grains, Choose lean protein sources, Limit saturated and trans fats, Reduce salt intake, Limit added sugars.

What are cardiovascular diseases prevention and cures?

Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases involve a combination of lifestyle changes, medications, and medical procedures, Cardiac rehabilitation. It’s important to note that prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases are highly individualized, and a healthcare provider will work with each patient to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to their specific needs and medical history.

How competitive is a Cardiology fellowship?

Cardiology fellowship is a highly competitive field. The competition for cardiology fellowship positions can vary depending on the location and the specific program, but in general, there are many qualified applicants for a limited number of spots. According to data from the National Resident Matching Program, the match rate for cardiology fellowship positions in 2021 was 81.5%, which means that about one in five applicants did not match to a cardiology fellowship program.

Why should one have a healthy heart?

Having a healthy heart is essential for overall health and wellbeing. Here are some reasons why it’s important to maintain a healthy heart-

Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease: A healthy heart reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, which includes conditions such as coronary artery disease, heart attack, and stroke.

Maintain physical and cognitive function: A healthy heart enables the body to function properly, which can help maintain physical and cognitive function as we age.

Improve quality of life: A healthy heart can improve quality of life by reducing the risk of health complications and allowing individuals to engage in physical activity and other activities they enjoy.

What are the 4 phases of cardiac rehabilitation?

The four phases of cardiac rehabilitation are:

Phase 1: Inpatient or acute phase. This phase begins immediately after a cardiac event or procedure and typically takes place in a hospital or rehabilitation center. The focus is on monitoring and stabilizing the patient’s condition, managing symptoms, and providing education on lifestyle modifications.

Phase 2: Early outpatient or subacute phase. This phase typically starts 1-2 weeks after the cardiac event or procedure and takes place in an outpatient setting. The focus is on gradually increasing physical activity levels, building endurance, and continuing education on lifestyle modifications.

Phase 3: Late outpatient or maintenance phase. This phase typically starts 2-3 months after the cardiac event or procedure and continues for several months to a year. The focus is on maintaining cardiovascular fitness, continuing lifestyle modifications, and promoting long-term adherence to healthy habits.

Phase 4: Community-based exercise and maintenance phase. This phase involves ongoing exercise and maintenance of healthy habits in the community. It may involve participating in exercise programs or community-based activities and continuing to follow healthy lifestyle habits.

Can a pacemaker implant prevent heart attacks?

A pacemaker implant is not designed to prevent heart attacks, but it can help manage certain heart conditions that may increase the risk of heart attacks.

Heart Discomfort reasons?

There are many possible reasons for heart discomfort, also known as chest pain or angina. Coronary artery disease, Heart attack, Angina, Aortic dissection, Pericarditis, Pulmonary embolism, Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

If you experience chest pain or heart discomfort, it is important to seek medical attention immediately to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment.

Best Panel of Specialist Doctors, Surgeons in Pune, India

We have the best panel of specialist doctors In The Inamdar Heart Clinic located in Aundh, Pune-411007, Maharashtra, India.

Our Panel includes a Senior Cardiac Surgeon and Preventive Cardiologist-Dr. Avinash Inamdar has over 35 years of experience in cardiology and cardiac surgery all routine heart surgeries were performed by Dr.Avinash Inamdar and his competent team in an affordable package. Echo-cardiologist, Senior Cardiac Intensivist, and Cardiac Anesthesiologist-Dr. Sanjivani Inamdar is a Member of the American Society of Echocardiography, Cardiological Society of India, and Interventional Cardiologist-Dr. Sonali Inamdar. Renowned Heart surgeons from Mumbai, namely Dr.Sudhanshu Bhattacharyya and Dr.Suresh Joshi were coming over as visiting surgeons. They performed the most intricate coronary bypass operations and heart operations on congenital cardiac disorders.

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